An ode to Sunday mornings
It’s a rainy Sunday morning when I write this post, as I indulge in my nutmeg coffee and my all-time favourite breakfast (peanut butter & banana sandwich rolls). It was a while ago when I realised how much I love Sunday morning, but only now it occurred to me to share this love with you.

Sunday mornings are such a blessing. There is something truly magical about them. To me, they represent the oasis at the end of a long and arduous trail in the week’s dessert.
I rise naturally with the singing birds in my village (around 6 a.m.). The rest of the world stands still, it’s incredibly quiet and peaceful I my village. I wake up so excited at the thought of all the things I will get to enjoy in my final day of freedom, before a new work week commences. This is probably why I wake up so early, as my enthusiastic, hyperactive mind doesn’t want to miss out on any minute of the beginning of this glorious day.
To me, Sunday mornings represent a period of sacred time which is expansive and stands still. This time comes with the promise of allowing me to indulge in all the wonderful things that I want to experience in this holy day. That’s why I think of Sunday mornings as such a treat. They allow me to get absorbed in all the wonderful things that my mind had been craving for during the working week, for an uninterrupted period of time, while having the mental comfort of knowing that I have the remaining of the day to enjoy myself. Hence why, I associate Sunday mornings with the most blissful, well-earned me-time. I usually have 3 hours in the morning before my partner wakes up.
By Sunday, I will have already done my weekly house clean and everything rests in order. Waking up in a clean & peaceful home nurtures me with a sense of calm and gratitude for being able to fully enjoy this free day.
Contrary to Saturday mornings, when I don’t normally wake up feeling so serene and with good intentions, Sunday mornings are zen-like in all their glory.
So, how do I make the most of my Sunday mornings?
If it’s a sunny day, I normally start my Sunday with a 50 minute power run alongside the long river my idyllic village, watching the swans and geese waking up and listening to my favourite music. My Sunday morning run allows me to catch the first rays of sunshine, set my intentions for the day and get into the achievement mode that fuels me with energy and enthusiasm to engage in the things that make me happy for the rest of the day.
If it’s a rainy day like this one, I light a couple of candles, put a few drops of natural scented oil (Cerdawood or Orange) in my electronic aroma diffuser, play a few songs on the piano (with the headphones on, so I don't wake my partner up), then I write a few blog posts, organise my digital photo album, check my emails, read a few articles online and prepare breakfast. Usually, I treat myself with my favourite food, such as homemade pancakes, cookies, muffins, sweet potato brownies, smoothies or raw fruit & nut cheesecake or some sort of nut butter-banana combo (as mentioned above).
Regardless of the weather, I always wake up light spirited on a Sunday, feeling enthusiastic and fresh (even if I didn’t get enough sleep on Saturday night), always eager to enjoy as much as possible the last free day of the week.
What about you? How do you spend your Sunday mornings? Do you have any good tips for how to make the most of these splendid beginnings of the holy day?
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